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3DChameleon to 3MS Conversion

Follow this guide to convert a 3DChameleon to a 3MS.


Name Price Quantity Link Notes
BTT MMB $34.99 1 BTT
Duponts $9.99 1 Amazon These wires are only sufficient to run steppers, not heaters
24V PSU $12.99 1 Amazon This PSU is only sufficient to run steppers, not heaters
MK8 Metal Extruder $9.99 2 Amazon Alternatively, you can use this Dual-drive MK8 based extruder

The final cost of this upgrade is around $70.


  1. Release the eight bolts on the 3DChameleon unit to remove the two NEMA17 stepper motors.
  2. Unplug the NEMA17's from the 3DChameleon electronics board
  3. Remove the PTFE tubes from the 3DChameleon unit and the Y-splitter

Next, follow the Master Instructions except for the BOM section.