Follow this guide to assemble your 3MS.
Printed Parts
Univeral M3 Mount for Extruder Note that this requires 2-4 M3 bolts and a place to screw the bolts into (like an aluminum extrusion with T-nuts). Designed by 3DCoded.
3MS Box This is designed for four filament units and a BTT MMB. Designed by chadakken.
4-way Y-splitter designed by ImChrono.
4-way Y-splitter with ECAS04 and M3 Bolt designed by Jager-f.
4-way Y splitter with ECAS04 designed by 3DCoded.
Filament Units Assembly
- If using any mounting parts, place it on the face of your NEMA17 motor.
- Assemble the MK8 extruders using the instructions that came with them.
- Repeat for all filament units.
Note for Certain Printers
If your printer has Klipper running internally (not on an external computer like a Raspberry Pi), the controller (if not a main MCU config) is plugged into a USB port on the printer itself.
Follow one of the following guides based on your controller:
Recommended: BTT MMB
Other Controllers:
- SKR Mini E3 V2
- SKR Pico
- Mellow Fly D7
- BTT Octopus (main MCU)
- Einsy RAMBo (main MCU) with SKR Mini E3 V2
- Zonestar ZM384 (main MCU)
- Mi ni RAMBo
- Geetech A30T