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Zonestar ZM384 (main MCU)

Max filament units: 3

MCU Name: main

main MCU

This configuration is a main MCU configuration, meaning that your printer should already be running off a ZM384 and you don't need to purchase one.


In your 3ms/macros.cfg, edit the following section:

# Set the sync of provided TOOL to SYNC with extruder
### --- Comment if using the 3MS instead of your printer's extruder --- ###
[gcode_macro SET_TOOL_SYNC]
    {% set tool = params.TOOL|int %}
    {% set sync = params.SYNC|int %}
    {% set motion_queue = "extruder" if sync == 1 else "" %}
    SYNC_EXTRUDER_MOTION EXTRUDER=3ms{ tool } MOTION_QUEUE={ motion_queue }
### --- Comment if using the 3MS instead of your printer's extruder --- ###
# [gcode_macro SET_TOOL_SYNC]
# gcode:
#   {% set tool = params.TOOL|int %}
#   {% set sync = params.SYNC|int %}
#   {% set ext_name = "3ms"+(tool|str) %}
#   {% if tool == 0 %}
#     {% set ext_name = "extruder" %}
#   {% endif %}
#   {% set motion_queue = "extruder" if sync == 1 else "" %}
#   SYNC_EXTRUDER_MOTION EXTRUDER={ext_name} MOTION_QUEUE={ motion_queue }
# Set the sync of provided TOOL to SYNC with extruder
### --- Comment if using the 3MS instead of your printer's extruder --- ###
# [gcode_macro SET_TOOL_SYNC]
# gcode:
#   {% set tool = params.TOOL|int %}
#   {% set sync = params.SYNC|int %}
#   {% set motion_queue = "extruder" if sync == 1 else "" %}
#   SYNC_EXTRUDER_MOTION EXTRUDER=3ms{ tool } MOTION_QUEUE={ motion_queue }
### --- Comment if using the 3MS instead of your printer's extruder --- ###
[gcode_macro SET_TOOL_SYNC]
  {% set tool = params.TOOL|int %}
  {% set sync = params.SYNC|int %}
  {% set ext_name = "3ms"+(tool|str) %}
  {% if tool == 0 %}
    {% set ext_name = "extruder" %}
  {% endif %}
  {% set motion_queue = "extruder" if sync == 1 else "" %}


Route the wires from the NEMA17's to the controller board. Follow this table to determine which port to plug the motors into:

Filament Unit # Motor Port
0 E0
1 E1
2 E2
3 E3
