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Wiring Troubleshooting

If your Chameleon is behaving strangely after connecting it to your Raspberry Pi, follow this guide for some common problems and solutions.

For 2-wire method

If you used the 2-wire method of wiring your Chameleon to your Raspberry Pi, the following are a few common wiring problems, and some solutions.

GND and Data switched: Chameleon always pulsing

If your Ground and Data wires are swapped, the Chameleon pin will be inverted. To test for this, use:


If the Chameleon stops pulsing after this, then your Ground and Data wires are swapped. To fix it, just switch them. After you do this, the pulsing should start again. Run:


and verify that pulsing stops now. If so, your Chameleon is now working properly with your Raspberry Pi.

Wrong pins plugged into Chameleon: No pulsing

There are three pins for the limit switch: V+, GND, and Data. The two wires should go into the GND and Data pins. Make sure to follow Wiring carefully to plug the wires into the correct pins.

For Relay method

NC and NO swapped on the Relay Shield: No pulsing or Always pulsing

Make sure that you followed Wiring correctly to ensure that you are using the COM and NO pins, not COM and NC pins on the relay shield.

Limit Switch not pressed

Make sure that your limit switch is securely closed (mechanically) using a zip tie.